Hero MotoCorp Unveils Modular Electric Vehicle Concept

Hero MotoCorp, one of India's largest motorcycle manufacturers, has introduced a unique modular electric vehicle concept. The Surge 32, unveiled at the Hero World 2024 event, is the first of its kind from an established mainstream manufacturer. The Surge 32 is described as a two-in-one vehicle, functioning as both an electric scooter and a three-wheeled rickshaw for cargo or passenger transportation.

The conversion from scooter to rickshaw takes just three minutes, with the scooter slotting into the front of the rickshaw. The scooter's front wheel handles steering duties for the rickshaw, while the scooter's rear wheel rests on the rickshaw's platform. Both the scooter and the rickshaw have their own motors and batteries, and the scooter's handlebar and controls are used to pilot the rickshaw.

The S32 scooter has a power output of up to 6 kW (8 horsepower), while the rickshaw has a power output of 10 kW (13.5 horsepower) to accommodate heavier loads. The batteries used in the concept are from Hero's EV subsidiary Vida. Surge plans to release different variations of the rickshaw, including open-type and closed-type designs.

To accommodate the unique concept, Hero MotoCorp worked with India's Ministry of Road Transport to create a new vehicle registration category called "L2-5." This category combines a two-wheeled vehicle with a non-self propelled rear module unit.

While the Surge S32 is currently just a concept, Hero's creation of a new vehicle category suggests that the company has serious plans to bring the concept to life.